EndNote is bibliographies made easy. The following is what the company says about themselves.Take the time to visit these links and make yourself familiar with this great tool. I can already see how beneficial and time saving it is going to be with my future studies and also later when I become a teacher. I can still be building a reference library - it does not stop with the end of my degree.
of researchers, scholarly writers, students, and librarians use EndNote
to search online bibliographic databases, organize their references,
PDFs in any language,
and create bibliographies and figure lists instantly. Instead of
spending hours typing bibliographies, or using index cards to organize
their references, they do it the easy way—by using EndNote!
And EndNote Web is included with EndNote so you can
collaborate with
others easily. EndNote for Windows and Macintosh is a valuable
all-in-one tool that integrates the following tasks into one program:
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