Monday, April 2, 2012

Resizing a Photo

This post was originally posted to Yola on March 18th, 2012
16/3/12 – I have been unable to access today hence these entries that I have blogged in a word document.
Today I have been exploring the support tutorials and tools on the companion website  in preparation for completing my assignment. Up until today I have always resized my photos using ACDSee, a photo manager program that I find very easy to navigate. The only problem I have recently found is I only have this program on my home computer and I do all my Murdoch study on my laptop. I find I just do what I have to do on the home computer and then I email it to my laptop. Yes I know this is not ideal but it is what I have been doing. As you can imagine watching a simple You tube on Resize a photo (MS Paint on PC)  really helps me out. I am a visual learner so being able to watch the you tube makes my life so easy. I can just keep watching it as a guide until I can just do this on my own. It is so simple. 
On the video Jenni explained how she likes to keep the original photo on file and then has a separate file with the resized picture. As photography is one of my hobbies I have a huge collection of digital shots on file and I have learnt my lesson a long time ago about resizing and not saving the original copy. This is a very important part of the procedure to resizing and I appreciate Jenni’s thorough coverage of this. It is only when it is too late when we learn by our mistakes so it is valuable to us that this was mentioned.
I found it very useful to have the YouTube playing and then I paused it whilst I carried out that part of the instructions then returned to listen to the next part of the YouTube until I had managed to resize and save a photo. I am gaining confidence in trying new things trusting my ability yet relying on the information on the companion website. Wow what can I achieve next?

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